April 22, 2008


It has been a while since I posted anything on this blog. Over the last couple of weeks I had to deal with quite a few bugs on my system. Some of them were caused by the two new overlays I added, the others were just the usual bugs found in testing packages. Getting everything figured out took much longer than I anticipated and my system was down, recompiling, a lot. Everything is back up-and-running, for now. We will see what happens at the next update.

There are still a couple of outstanding bugs that I have not figured out and some are interfering with getting everything finalized on a few posts I was working on. I am looking for workarounds in case the bugs are not fixed relatively quickly.

Meanwhile, I have been working more on the usual; translations. ebuilds, and some testing. Autotools [1] [2] [3] [4] is on my to-learn list now since one ebuild needed me to fix a couple of small issues in its build configuration files. I will try to get a couple of shorter posts done in the next week, or two , so the blog will not be so stagnant. Anyway, until the next post.

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